Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April Fool's

Here's me, playing catch up again, so bear with me! April Fool's day is usually one of those holidays where we don't really do anything to celebrate! Mostly due to the fact that I can't ever think of a good prank. Well this year was different. The boys and I decided to play a joke on their dad. We found Seth's spare key to his car. We drove to his work and moved his vehicle to a different parking spot, then decorated it with balloons and ribbons and candy. We painted April Fool's on the window too. It was fun and was one of those kind of pranks where hopefully the person you are doing the prank on doesn't get too mad. I don't think we moved his car far enough away because he wasn't that late getting home, but he did say that he did worry for a minute. It was fun and he liked it. The boys had fun stuffing balloons and candy in the car too.


Deidra Smith said...

That's really creative. We never do anything either, so I think I need to try harder

Tressie Farley said...

That sounds like tons of fun! I usually don't think of any good pranks either. Nice job :)