Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Camping in McCall

So Seth decided to take the boys camping in
McCall and give me about a day and a half
all to myself. It was great and the boys had
a blast! Here are my three "Cool Dudes"!

They did some hiking, which Seth said drove
him crazy because the boys were being dare
devils and kept wanting to get too close to the
edge of the cliff. Yikes!

They loved the camp fire and roasted
marshmallows for s'mores. Neither of the boys
would eat them after they were all hot and gooey.
They liked the marshmallows better fresh out
of the bag. So Seth got his fill of gooey

They got to spend some time at Payette Lake.
The boys loved the beach!


Deidra Smith said...

Fun, that's nice that he would take the boys by himself and let you have a little down time.

kylie lloyd said...

How sweet, Dad and his boys out doin the manly thing together.

Tressie Farley said...

That's so much fun. I bet the boys had such a blast hangin' with their dad :)